Hospice Advisors Case Study
Title: Referral Inquiry to Admission
Company: A Hospice Company located in Arizona
Date: November 21, 2014
Problem: Stagnate growth with a referral to admission conversion rate of 68%.
Presenting Issues/Challenges: This hospice agency was steadily growing and suddenly hit a wall at a census of between 80 and 85 where they stayed for 6 months. Following are some of other presenting issues:
- The company felt a small pending list was a good thing.
- Many referrals were NTUC without a strong rational.
- There were no policy or procedures in place to govern the referral inquiry to admission process.
The organization engaged Hospice Advisors to improve their conversion rate so it was in the 70’s as part of an overall growth strategy to reach a census on 100.
Plan of Action:
A new referral inquiry to admission process was instituted in the company and included the following elements.
- A re-definition of what a referral inquiry is
- A new philosophy of the value of a large pending list
- New definition of what “Not Taken Under Care” (NTUC) referrals were.
- Creation of 6 specific categories to place pending referrals into and specific actions on how to work. each pending referral to convert them to an admission.
- A new set of service standards.
- A tracking and reporting system that provided daily and monthly information. Installation of a KPI of a 90-day rolling conversion rate.