I was able to receive a clearer understanding of hospice and the true definition of “leave no patient behind”

EricaA Hug Away

As a Director of Nursing it was absolutely beneficial to learn how to create of growth for our hospice agency. I can see how all will play a crucial role in the art of conversion.

WendiAspire Hospice

I really enjoyed this experience!! It has given me many shiny objectives to choose from—-all of them bringing value to my agency. Thank you for the start of a great adventure!

MarisaA Hug Away

Great Intensive!! I received valuable information that will facilitate our team and increase our census and customer satisfaction. This class is well worth the investment.

MarvineA Hug Away

Hello Kurt and Greg…We made it home late Wednesday night. We are still feeling exhausted from all the fantastic and exciting information which Kurt presented. I am so grateful, Kurt kept repeating the saying, success by the inch is a cinch, success by a yard is hard. I tried to run as fast as I could yesterday, but realized I couldn’t implement it all in one day. This is going to be my mantra for the next several months. The concept of the gift of hospice really resonated with both of us. Being able to provide this beautiful service is our passion and what keeps us getting up to keep pushing forward. We would love to have an ongoing relationship with Hospice Advisor’s as you have a depth of knowledge which can help shape our future growth plan. We highly recommend Hospice Advisors Boot Camp.

Kris and WendiAspire Hospice

“Hospice Advisors provided the tools for creating a culture of growth! I appreciated the challenges of really thinking about the why and how we do what we do.  It’s one thing to make a difference but quite another to communicate that philosophy”

DamianHospice of the Calumet Area

“This Boot Camp was very helpful – thank you”

KarlaHospice of Washington County

“Conference was GREAT!!  Many new tools for the tool bag”

BillTrinity Hospice

“This session really motivated me. I attended at a time when I was about to throw in the towel. I’m new to hospice marketing and learned a lot”

KeicaGolden Rule Hospice

“Greg and Kurt’s training on hospice growth strategy was professional, impactful and engaging.  People of any level of experience will benefit from this workshop!!”
